Saturday, September 10, 2011

A visit from a praying mantis.

This pretty little lady paid me a visit while I was on my computer, the other night.  She just flew up and clung to the side of my monitor.  She is brown and about four inches long.

Because mantis are so sensitive to visual stimuli I covered the flash on my camera with my finger to keep from freaking her out.  It was the flash shining through my finger that made the picture red.

According to my shaman literature, Mantis comes to you when you need to practice just sitting still.  This is true.  My attention span has been rather short lately.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Red Dragon

I recently saw a red dragon flying over my house.  It coalesced from all those specs of light which dance around ones vision.  She was big, about the size of a jumbo jet, and was a fiery red color.
I asked this shaman I know about it, giving only a partial description of what I saw and she finished the describtion for me.  Apparently Red Dragons are fierce and protective.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is an Advanced Civilization?

Last Wednesday I was in my usual evening chat, and we were discussing the museums and libraries of alien civilizations and the sorts of wonders they might contain.

While I think it would be a lot of fun to spend an evening in such a place, especially if the librarian/guide was knowledgeble and interested in being helpful, it seemed to me that an advanced alien civilization would not have such things as museums or libraries.

My point of contention is this: The difference between a primative civilization and an advanced civilization could very well be in whether or not they believe matter really exists. 

A civilization who believes matter is real would also believe that matter is solid (the chair your sitting on is real), matter exists under a set of rules which must be followed (Laws of Physics), and that the collection of material things is a worthwhile goal (Material Wealth).  This primative civilization would believe that it's important to collect trophies of past experiences, which when one looks at museums and libraries honestly this is what they are, a collection of a civilization's trophies.

On the other hand, a civilization who nolonger believes matter is real would see only consciousness as actually existing.  What we call 'existence' would be nothing more that a playground for life to play in.  The laws of physics would be whatever these beings wanted them to be at the time.  They would have direct access to all knowledge in the multiverse.  They would not 'die' because even the bodies they are wearing, assuming they chose to wear bodies, would only be figments of their imagination.  This species would be (for lack of a better term) a species of gods.  The people themselves would become the relics and documents normally found in a museum or library.

The only reason for an advanced civiliation to have museums and libraries is if someone thought they would be fun to have.

I guess another point I'm trying to make here is that we as human beings of the planet Earth tend to make the mistake of thinking we are somehow 'normal' as far as civilizations go.  We use ourselves as the point of reference upon which all other civilizations are judged.  (Which Judgement is the topic for another blog post)  We assume that our views are 'Universal' and as such can be applied to other civilizations.  We assume that because we are adversarial and polarized then everyone else must be too. Because we are greedy materialists who use technology as the yardstick for measureing a civiliation's advancement then that must be how all civilizations measure advancement.  Then again, we also assume that the idea of 'advancement' means the same to everyone else that it does to us or that they even have such a concept.

In our science fiction we always treat humanity as if it's the middle of the road with all the other beings being some left or right extreme of who we are.  If you look at the show Star Trek for example, you have the Klingons who are the war-mongers, the Romulans are the fascists, the Vulcans are the peaceful scientists, the Borg are the Hive-Minded egoless race who's merged with their technology, the Beta-zed are psychics (and one of the only feminine races on the show).  Then you have the humans, who are just normal. 
Quite the contrary, we appear to be one of the extremes.  In my personal opinion, the reality of our standing in relation to what is normal is that we would be a combination of the Klingons and Romulans.  We as a society seem to be warmongering fascists.  While I know many people will take acception to this description of our species, I ask that you take some time to watch us as a people (yourself included) with loving detachment.  Take your ego out of it and watch with open eyes the way we treat each other. 
The motto of our society seems to be "Free will is important, but only as long as you think the way I want you to think.  And if you disagree with me, I'm going to go to war with you and kick your ass until you think the way I tell you."  There is no peace or freedom for anyone in that mindset, but apparently it's the mindset most rampant in our culture.

To wrap things up here, what this blog post is getting at is that an advanced civilization seems to have two traits, neither of which we have.  The first trait is that they see matter as a figment of the imagination, to be played with.  The second trait would be that they recognize others have completely different points of view from their own and that these differing views are equally valid.  Being 'Advanced' is a matter of one's world view, not technology.

What do you think?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Woman (to previous post)

Masculine and Feminine energies, a commentary.

I write this because I just watched a video that deeply disturbed me.  It's a video that, on the shallow and superficial level, appeared very kind and sweet and even gave the impression of being a solution to the problem of sexism.  However, when viewed at a deeper level it seems to be promoting many greater problems.

The video that I'm discussing involves a group of men apologizing to women for their mistreatment at the hands of men throughout history, once again this appears to be kind, sweet, and a solution.  But, the video proceeds to take on the flavor that everything Feminine is 'good' and everything masculine is 'evil' and it proceeds to behave as if men and women are separate.  These are very destructive views that, in my opinion, ignore the core problems.

In my own journey of self discovery I have learned that in my past lives I have been a wide variety of people.  I have been a ruthless feudal Hungarian lord who beat his servants mercilessly for the sake of beating them.  I have been a shaman in a small Aztec village who was deeply in love with my wife, whom I had great respect and admiration for.  I have been a woman sold into slavery to be used as a sex object by the Egyptian nobility.

The first of my points is this, I personally have lived both as men and women.  I have been the cause, opponent, and victim of tyranny.  ...and I suspect we ALL have done the same.  To treat the issue of sexism from the point of view of 'men' apologizing to 'women' for 'their' treatment at 'our' hands is a small view that seems to miss the mark.  It's a view that treats us all as if we are separate from each other and ignores us ALL as being both victims and oppressors on this issue.

It would be a far more profound statement to apologize (regardless of the gender of body we are currently living in) for our treatment of all those who have ever been at our own personal mercy, regardless of the reasons be it gender, ethnicity, beliefs, or anything else.  The reason why I believe this apology would be so much more profound is because not only does it accept that we are all both victims and oppressors of prejudice in all its forms, but it also promotes real change.  It promotes the sort of understanding that by hurting others we are hurting our selves.  The statement takes an act of selfishness (I want to be treated well by others) and turns it into an act of greater good.  (I will end sexism in order to insure my own well treatment, regardless of the body I am living in.)  This apology should be aimed at yourself as well as your victims, for you are a victim of yourself too.

The second concern of this video I would like to point out is the "Everything feminine is 'good' and everything masculine is 'evil'" message this video had as an underlying theme.  This creates multiple societal problems.

In the people who currently live in the bodies of women, this statement builds the idea that everything they think and feel is both 'good' and an 'improvement' regardless of how hateful or sexist their ideas are.  This actually leads many women to living more in the darker side of the masculine energies than most men do.  These women want the domination of women over men as opposed to equality between women and men.  In other words, they do not want a better world, they want to perpetuate the same problem but with the roles reversed.  (It strikes me as important to remember that these women will eventually be born again as men and the current men will eventually be born as women.  And then where will they, personally, be?)

Another important aspect of the "Feminine is good, masculine is evil" theme is the damage that it does to the self esteem of young boys.  Any message spoken often enough will eventually be believed, (as any woman raised in this over-sexed society can attest to.)  If you are a small boy, and you are constantly told that by being a boy you are bad or (even worse) evil, this will do horrible  psychological damage to your view of self.  You will grow up not liking yourself, and this dislike of self will usually manifest in one of two ways.  You will either choose to not be a man (take that sentence in whatever way you wish), or you will choose to become the evil definition of what you are told men are supposed to be.  Not only is neither outcome healthy but neither outcome will allow the small boy to grow up to be what he is meant to be, which is a strong but nurturing man who protects his family and feels comfortable with being himself. 

Currently everyone in our society seems to be well aware of the subconscious message to young girls that you have to be "Sexy" to have value, but everyone also seems universally blind to it's sister message to young boys that it's "bad" or "wrong" to be a man.  Both of these messages deserve our equal attention if we really do want a better world to live in.

Both masculine and feminine energies have their light and dark sides. The light side of masculinity turns you into a loyal protector and provider.  The dark side of masculinity turns you into a selfish tyrant.  The light side of feminine energy turns you into a loving parent with strong ties to the community.  The dark side of femininity turns you into ruthless manipulator.

We all have both energies and we have all lived as both genders.  Instead of treating ourselves as if one half of the species is responsible for the suffering of the other half, we need to understand that ALL have oppressed ALL.  And ALL of this needs to change.  The goal should be to build the light energies in both our masculine and feminine sides as opposed to switching which gender of body is dominate in our society.

There is no 'them.'  There is only 'us' and we are ALL responsible for us ALL.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Current synchronicities in my life.

The color turquiose
Making Holy Water

Turquiose is the greater of the synchronicities and is considered by some to be the most spiritual color.

Holy Water is any water that has absorbed loving emotions.  Water is a conductor of emotions.  You can charge it with any emotion you want just by feeling that emotion into the water.
On 3-19-2011, I had an actual lucid awakening during a dream.  It only lasted a few seconds but I was dreaming normally, asked myself if I was dreaming, told myself that I was, and became aware.  I didn't even have time to look around the class room I was standing in before slipping back into normal dreaming.  Nevertheless, I consider this even to be a HUGE accomplishment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Red Starship

A few days ago I had a dream where a planetoid flew between the Earth and the Moon.  It was ripped apart by gravity and the planetoid's debris filled the night sky.  There was a massive red space craft off in the direction the planetoid had come from.  This ship was in outerspace, yet it filled as much of my vision as the car next to me.

Just a dream, but it felt epic.  And like most of my dreams, it felt real.  :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Investigating a heart chakra incident.

Not certain how much of a recent event to share.  I'm still investigating it so I will know if what I think happened actually did.

That said, the most fascinating things seem to happen while thinking with the heart chakra.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Some minor synchronicities

The last few days I've been seeing minor synchronicities with the name "Karen" and a spiritual state known as "The Dark Night of the Soul."

For those who do not know, the dark night of the soul is a state of depression one goes into which is caused by a profound empathy for all humanity combined with a feeling of helplessness regarding the ability to help anyone.  This is actually a very important state in soul evolution. 

Curious about what these synchronicities mean.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Theory on the White Screen of Death with a Smile

After posting a youtube video on an experience that I also posted about here (on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 White Screen of Death with a Smile)  I received a comment from a viewer suggesting that the head tap I experienced was a Shaktipat.  I'm currently researching this subject to learn more about it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Three Visions

Today, I've decided to post 3 consecutive entries from my journal.  All three of these entries involve visions I had, and like all visions they may be nothing more than figments of my imagination.  I'm posting the first because I find it interesting, and I'm posting the second two for possible verification purposes. (I would like to know if there's anything to them.)

11-23-09 (Vision)

I was viewing a room that was mostly brown and gray.  There were four men in it.  I remember that the two on the right were old, tall, and skinny.  It's possible that they all were.  (Possible that they were arranged left to right in order of age?)

These men felt like ghosts, but stranger than that, they all felt like different versions of me.

Question:  Were they me?  Were they ghosts?  Both?  Neither?

-This image felt like I was seeing something external.  It didn't feel like imagination.

11-?-09 (Written 2-3 days after vision)

I saw an image of several planets, one of them Earth, which over-lapped each other in location, though they were in separate realities.  The term "Micro Cyree" came to mind.

After attempting to research the word "Cyree" I have not come up with any meaning that makes sense.  Every variation of the word seems to come down to either a last name or the slang term used after the words "Yes" and "No," as in "Yes siree."  I did, however, learn of a French commune called "Ciry Le Noble."

Between the word "micro" (small) and the image I saw, I'm guessing that a "Micro Cyree" is a small space where the locations of several worlds overlap across multiple realities.

-This image is a reasonable facsimile of what I saw when the term "Micro Cyree" came to mind. Planet Earth did show North America in the center, and the planet was tilted at this angle.  I do not remember what color the other six planets were, but they are to scale.  The planet to the left of Earth was a heavily cratered world while the planet to the right of Earth had a thick, Venus-like atmosphere and was tilted at the same angle as Earth.  Once again, it seemed to represent "A small space where the locations of several worlds overlap across multiple realities."


12-3-09 (Vision)

Last night I meditated on going to my dream body. (I was experimenting with forcing a lucid dream by doing body sensing meditations on an imagined body, and then taking this imaginary body of sensation into a dream state.)  During this mediation I saw a vision of the constellation Orion.  My vision then scrolled down "South" of the star Saiph, to a star formation that I felt was too dim to see with the unaided eye.  The star at the bottom of the formation was calling attention to itself.  It felt like a civilization is there.

This image is based on the star chart I drew in my journal, after seeing the vision.


Anyway, whether there is anything to any of these visions or not, I found them interesting enough to share.  Wish you well.  :-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life on Olkabar

Today, I thought I'd post a past-life-regression I once had.  This is the second regression I'd ever had that felt like it was real; and though it was technically accurate to what I asked for, it was nothing like what I had in mind.

6-21-09  5:40pm  Past life regression Olkabar

I attempted another past life regression. This time I asked for another life "Relevant to love."

I had the image of myself as an alien being.  Dark charcoal-gray skin, large eyes with green slitted pupils.  I was walking through a street in a small but busy desert town.  The buildings were squat stone, boxy, with domes on the roofs and a ring around the dome.  Sometimes the rings would appear as light, other times as solid metal.  There was a man in the streets playing with some sort of dice.

I also saw a vision of another city from later in life.  This was a large city made by the same civilization, but it was at night, surrounded by forests and a lake.

I moved in time to an important incident.  I was back in the desert town and the sun exploded, leaving behind it's molten red and black remains.

When I asked my higher self what I did for a living, I got a bunch of confusing imagery.  (As if there was nothing in our society that actually compares.)  I kept seeing shirts, as in "giving the shirt off my back."  I don't think I made shirts.  I also kept seeing the dice the man in the streets was playing with.  Maybe I was a gambler?  I don't know.  Nothing I saw seemed completely accurate.

I asked to see the most important person to me here, and I saw my son.  We were at home and he was sitting on my lap.  We were building something out of wooden blocks.  He was a toddler.  It was a very tender moment.

These are some of the questions I asked my higher self.

Q- Is my son alive now?
A- Yes
Q-Where is he?
A- Not here. (Mind your own business.)
Q- What was the relevance of the exploding star?
A- It gave new life.
Q- Can I ever go home? (Meaning this other planet.)
A- No.  It is here. (Meaning my heart.)
Q- What was the name of the town?
A- Ilkabar (Maybe another attempt at saying Olkabar.  Perhaps neither is correct.)
Q- Will I meet him? (My Son)
A- Yes.

1- I started this past life regression by asking for a time and location.  The location I got was "Olkabar."  The time I got was 12,435 BC.

2- Physically I was 4-5ft tall.  Dark dry charcoal gray skin that looked reptile-like and well suited to dry climates.  My skin did not have any scales, it was smooth with thick wrinkles.  The head was large and round with a pointed chin at the bottom.  The eyes were large and light green with vertically slit pupils. There were small bags beneath the eyes.  My body was small, lean and humanoid with a light athletic musculature.  (reminds me of the build I've seen on some smaller olympic athletes.)  The hands were thin with large soft pads on the finger tips, like what is seen on many small tree-dwelling mammals.

3- When I asked for a past life that was "relevant to love" The images in my mind was of a fun sexual romp through the powdered wig era, and instead I got an alien family in their living room building things out of wooden blocks.

4- I have a nagging, though possibly false, feeling that I made the dice the man in the streets was playing with.  I have had other past life regressions where my job was to make totems or trinkets with religious significance.  These dice had the look of being hand made from clay.

5- The town was in the dry desert.  The sun was bright and the terrain was flat, rocky and light tan.  I have no memory of the temperature.

6- I do not remember if the large city was on the same planet, though I have no reason to believe it was another world.  It was actually one massive spike shaped building with the entire city contained within it.  There were rings around the upper part of this spike, much like the rings around the domes on the small town buildings.  The city was situated near the shore of a lush, beautiful mountain lake.  It was a forested region.  When I think of this city, the word "retirement" comes to mind.

7- The rings on the buildings seemed to have something to do with communication.  Some sort of antannie, perhaps?

8- I consider it important that my job doesn't really compare to anything we have here.

Like all past life regressions, who knows how much of this is real and how much was just imagined.  This regression had a real feel to it, however.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Felt it in my gut

Today I'm posting an experience from my journal, 11-19-10

I was in bed and suffering from a lot of negative emotions.  I was trying to avoid bottling up these emotions and I didn't know how to let them go.

I opened my self up to a spirit guide and felt the presence of someone up and to my right.  I waved "hello" to them (him?) and asked my guide to help me use this emotion properly.

Instantly, I felt all those negative emotions move into my gut (solar plexus chakra.)  It didn't feel good but it felt right.  I think they left through my belly.


- I am not in regular contact with anyone that I would call a "spirit guide," at least not in the way other people have described.  Though, I understand, we all have one whether we are aware of them or not.

- Freeing negative emotions to leave my soul has been a major focus of my meditations the last several months.