Thursday, January 13, 2011

Three Visions

Today, I've decided to post 3 consecutive entries from my journal.  All three of these entries involve visions I had, and like all visions they may be nothing more than figments of my imagination.  I'm posting the first because I find it interesting, and I'm posting the second two for possible verification purposes. (I would like to know if there's anything to them.)

11-23-09 (Vision)

I was viewing a room that was mostly brown and gray.  There were four men in it.  I remember that the two on the right were old, tall, and skinny.  It's possible that they all were.  (Possible that they were arranged left to right in order of age?)

These men felt like ghosts, but stranger than that, they all felt like different versions of me.

Question:  Were they me?  Were they ghosts?  Both?  Neither?

-This image felt like I was seeing something external.  It didn't feel like imagination.

11-?-09 (Written 2-3 days after vision)

I saw an image of several planets, one of them Earth, which over-lapped each other in location, though they were in separate realities.  The term "Micro Cyree" came to mind.

After attempting to research the word "Cyree" I have not come up with any meaning that makes sense.  Every variation of the word seems to come down to either a last name or the slang term used after the words "Yes" and "No," as in "Yes siree."  I did, however, learn of a French commune called "Ciry Le Noble."

Between the word "micro" (small) and the image I saw, I'm guessing that a "Micro Cyree" is a small space where the locations of several worlds overlap across multiple realities.

-This image is a reasonable facsimile of what I saw when the term "Micro Cyree" came to mind. Planet Earth did show North America in the center, and the planet was tilted at this angle.  I do not remember what color the other six planets were, but they are to scale.  The planet to the left of Earth was a heavily cratered world while the planet to the right of Earth had a thick, Venus-like atmosphere and was tilted at the same angle as Earth.  Once again, it seemed to represent "A small space where the locations of several worlds overlap across multiple realities."


12-3-09 (Vision)

Last night I meditated on going to my dream body. (I was experimenting with forcing a lucid dream by doing body sensing meditations on an imagined body, and then taking this imaginary body of sensation into a dream state.)  During this mediation I saw a vision of the constellation Orion.  My vision then scrolled down "South" of the star Saiph, to a star formation that I felt was too dim to see with the unaided eye.  The star at the bottom of the formation was calling attention to itself.  It felt like a civilization is there.

This image is based on the star chart I drew in my journal, after seeing the vision.


Anyway, whether there is anything to any of these visions or not, I found them interesting enough to share.  Wish you well.  :-)

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