Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Current synchronicities in my life.

The color turquiose
Making Holy Water

Turquiose is the greater of the synchronicities and is considered by some to be the most spiritual color.

Holy Water is any water that has absorbed loving emotions.  Water is a conductor of emotions.  You can charge it with any emotion you want just by feeling that emotion into the water.
On 3-19-2011, I had an actual lucid awakening during a dream.  It only lasted a few seconds but I was dreaming normally, asked myself if I was dreaming, told myself that I was, and became aware.  I didn't even have time to look around the class room I was standing in before slipping back into normal dreaming.  Nevertheless, I consider this even to be a HUGE accomplishment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Red Starship

A few days ago I had a dream where a planetoid flew between the Earth and the Moon.  It was ripped apart by gravity and the planetoid's debris filled the night sky.  There was a massive red space craft off in the direction the planetoid had come from.  This ship was in outerspace, yet it filled as much of my vision as the car next to me.

Just a dream, but it felt epic.  And like most of my dreams, it felt real.  :)